Youth Project training and workshops

Sharing is caring!

The ZBGC Youth Project offers training to youth services providers in Victoria. Training can be offered to single agencies or as multi- agency professional development sessions. They utilise a variety of media and group activities to engage and extend learning.
The training covers the following objectives:

  • Participants will have an increased understanding of what sex and gender diversity is, and the complexities of these experiences.
  • Participants will further their understanding of the social, legal and political experiences of the sex and/ or gender diverse community.
  • Participants will develop their knowledge of issues faced by young sex and/or gender diverse people.
  • Service providers will have a stronger understanding of how to practice inclusively, on an individual and agency level.

Training is flexible as to content and timeframe.

Want to know more?

For more information about the project or if you’d like to enquire about training and workshops, please contact the ZBGC Project Officer, Zoe Birkinshaw at